Thursday, November 8, 2012


ROMAINE LETTUCE BENEFITS - When looking for foods that will stimulate fat loss, romaine lettuce nutrition facts are just what you want to see: no fat and cholesterol, with a moderate fiber and protein content. One cup of shredded romaine le
ttuce has 2 grams of carbs, 1 gram of protein and 4% of your daily value of dietary fiber.

If you think ‘lettuce is just lettuce,’ think again because romaine lettuce packs quite a nutritional punch with just 1 cup. One serving of romaine lettuce can provide you with 82% of your daily value of vitamin A, 60% of vitamin K, 19% vitamin C and 16% folate. This is an amazing amount of nutrients in just one small cup of lettuce.

The nutrition facts for romaine lettuce also include significant amounts of minerals that our bodies need to perform body functions like burn fat. Although no mineral is present in large amounts, manganese stands out with 4% of your daily value. Other minerals include calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium and zinc in the 2 to 3% of your DV range.

As you can see, romaine lettuce provides a ton of nutrients in just 8 calories. Just imagine what 2 cups could do!

Health Benefits of Romaine Lettuce
The vitamin C and beta-carotene content provides many heart health benefits of romaine lettuce, including preventing the oxidation of cholesterol, which can reduce risk of stroke and heart attack. The folic acid found in romaine lettuce helps keep blood vessels healthy and clear, which also reduces the risk of heart attacks and stroke.

The potassium helps lower high blood pressure, which can contribute to heart disease. Fiber also contributes to the heart health benefits of romaine lettuce, by removing bile salts, which requires cholesterol, thereby lowering high cholesterol as well.

Another health benefit of romaine lettuce provided by potassium is improved muscle strength. When combined with regular physical activity a healthy dose of potassium can help boost muscle building.

Romaine lettuce can help stimulate fat burning due to its fiber content, which requires your body to work harder to digest it and helps satisfy your appetite to prevent overeating. But because romaine is a low calorie, zero fat food it can stimulate weight loss by helping you burn more calories than you eat.

Adding low calorie foods to your diet can help with fat loss, but foods with romaine lettuce nutrition facts provide you with so much more.

(Seen on Facebook, Interesting Facts)

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