Tuesday, October 30, 2012

[Useful Information] Rabies

Rabies is a zoonotic disease of warm-blooded animals is caused by a Rhabdovirus belonging to Lyssavirus. It is a bullet-shaped virus.

-CNS and Salivary glands are the target organs of rabies virus. They travel from axons to the Brain.

Paanu ito nakukuha?

-Bites and licks on abrasions or intact mucus membrane by infected animals. Saliva is the vehicle of transmission. Bites,Licks,corneal graft,salivary aerosol can cause transmission.

Saan ito nakukuha?

-Worldwide- Dogs,cats,canines,cattles, even Humans. Skunks,raccoons,vampire bats, cave dwelling bats in North and Latin America.
Clinical Features-

Not all people bitten by a rabid animal develop disease, but once it manifests it is almost always fatal.

♦Parasthesia at the bitten site.
♦Hydrophobia-50%, Photophobia, Aerophobia
♦Delusion and Hallucinations
♦Spitting, Biting, Mania
♦Neurological abnormalities- descending paralysis
♦Death within a week.

Only symptomatic. Once the disease has started death is almost inevitable.

♦Patient should be kept in quite, dark room avoiding any stimuli.

♦Respiratory and Cardiovascular support may be necessary.

♦Nutritional Support.

♦Drugs- Morphine,Diazepam, Cholorpromazine.

♦All patient should receive post-exposure prophylaxis.

♦Tetanus toxoids and Antibiotics.

---Care of wound after Bite by Animal---

♦Immediately wash the wound with soap water for 5 minutes.
♦Adequate cleansing of the wound.
♦Virucidal agents- Alcohol, Tincture Iodine,Povidine Iodine can be used for cleaning.
♦Do not suture the wound immediately, remove any necrotic debris if present.
♦Tetanus toxoid.
♦Watch for the symptoms in animal if traceable.
♦Go for post-exposure Prophylaxis.

Plant Compound tied to lower stomach risk in Woman

(From Todayonline)

NEW YORK - Getting a moderate amount of a plant compound called flavonoids through food may be linked to a lower stomach cancer risk in women but not in men, according to a European study.

The researchers, writing in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, found that women with the highest intake of flavonoids were half as likely to develop the disease as those who had the smallest intake.

"A flavonoid-rich diet is based on plant-based foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grain cereals, nuts, legumes, and their derived products (tea, chocolate, wine)," lead author Raul Zamora-Ros told Reuters.

"This kind of diet combined with less consumption of red and processed meat can be a good way to reduce the risk of developing stomach cancer," added Dr Zamora-Ros, a researcher at the Catalan Institute of Oncology in Spain.

The findings do not prove that flavonoids alone can ward off the disease, because other factors such as a healthier lifestyle may play a role.

Past research has hinted that flavonoids may help protect against cancer, but few studies have focused on stomach cancer - the fourth most common and the second most deadly, according to Dr Zamora-Ros.

The researchers turned to ongoing research following almost 500,000 men and women in 10 European countries. All participants were between 35 and 70 years old and had been part of the study for about 11 years.

During that time, there were 683 cases of stomach cancer, of which 288 occurred in women.

The researchers analysed the participants' food diaries to see how many flavonoids they ate on average. They then checked to see if that amount was linked to the participant's cancer risk.

Green tea contains a large amount of flavonoids, with more than 12,511mg per 100g of leaves. Pinto beans contain about 769mg per 100g of beans.

Women who got more than 580mg of flavonoids a day had a 51-per-cent lower risk of developing stomach cancer than those who consumed no more than 200mg a day.

Dr Zamora-Ros said a person's exact risk depends on several factors, including whether they smoke and drink, how much red and processed meat they eat, and whether they are obese.

He added that the absence of a link between flavonoids and stomach cancer in men was a surprise and might be due to differences in how much they smoke or drink, or to hormonal differences.

Overall, he said, the study adds more evidence that "healthy lifestyles reduce the risk of chronic diseases". REUTERS

(Source: http://www.todayonline.com/World/EDC121029-0000063/Plant-compound-tied-to-lower-stomach-cancer-risk-in-women)

Interestingly, this article also partially proved that this is true:

Saturday, October 27, 2012


(Image from sg.yahoo.com)

It helps to Improve Mental Performance 
Approximately 80 percent of your brain tissue is formed of water; therefore, the hydration of your brain is essential. Dehydration impairs concentration and reduces the short-term memory. Ample amount of water in the brain helps in reducing the thickness of the fluids carrying enzymes and proteins and in delivering these nutrients to their destination. If the body is dehydrated, it slows the process of these fluids which directly affects the mental performance. 

Prevention of Critical Ailments 
If you drink enough water, you may not be affected by a majority of serious illnesses including cancer, arthritis and heart diseases. As there is plenty of water in your system, there will be less friction in your joints and consequently less chances of developing arthritis. It also helps in flushing the toxins out of your body. Over time there will be a reduction in the amount of toxins in your body that come in contact with your bladder and colon. This will decrease the chances of formation of cancer. In addition, excessive salt is washed out. 

Helps in Losing Weight 
Drinking water speeds up the metabolism in your body. Every process that occurs inside your body requires water and eventually slows down when it is thirsty. Pouring more water will lead to a faster metabolism which in turn will burn calories at a faster rate. According to a study, if you take two cups of water, it takes around 10-40 minutes for your metabolism to kick-start. Once it does kick-start, you will be able to burn calories at a higher rate. 

Cavities are Washed Away 
Drinking plenty of water will keep you irrigated which will help produce many important fluids including saliva which washes off cavities. Saliva contains minerals that help in tooth repair and it also neutralizes the acid which causes tooth decay. 


Excessive Water May Lead to Over-Hydration 
It's important to replenish the body with water that you lose everyday, but don't go overboard and drink too much of it because that may cause over-hydration. There is an over-dose of water in your body when you drink more water than that is expelled. When this happens, sodium levels in your body become unbalanced which in turn may lead to seizures, digestive problems, or may result in a coma. A little under a gallon of water for an adult is more than enough for a day. 

(Content from http://sg.news.yahoo.com/photos/5-amazing-facts-water-slideshow/)

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Rainbow Colour of Fruits

Do you know that one should eat according to the colors of the rainbow. The more colors to your food -- such as the reds, oranges, yellows, greens and even blues of fruits and vegetables -- the more important nutrients you'll get. And adding a little bit of color to your life can affect your mood, health and slimming campaign too.

(Seen on Facebook, Interesting Facts)

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


(Photo credits to its owner)

AKA: Pear Squash, vegetable Pear, Sayote

(Belong to cucumber / gourd family)

Discover the surprising health giving goodness of this cucumber relative.

Although chayote (Sechium edule) is typically prepared as a vegetable, it is in fact a fruit. It’s quite crunchy flesh can be eaten both raw and cooked. Around the world it is known by various names including merliton, christophene and chowchow. It is a member of the squash family and is referred
to as a “vegetable pear” or chocho.

1. Good for the heart (Folate)
Chayote is an excellent source of folate, a B vitamin which helps prevent homocystein build-up. Studies have shown that too much of this amino acid in the blood is linked to a higher risk of coronary heart disease and stroke.

2. Helps prevent cancer (Vitamin C)
Vitamin C is known as one of the powerful antioxidants, substances that may protect cells from damage caused by free radicals. Studies suggest that antioxidants may slow or possibly prevent cancer development. Chayote is a very good source of vitamin C, providing 17% of the RDI.

3. Helps the body produce energy (Manganese)
Start your day with a breakfast of chayote omelet. Its manganese content helps the body convert protein and fat to energy.

4. Helps prevent constipation (Fiber)
To promote bowel regularity, add fiber to your diet with the help of this vegetable.

5. Keeps thyroid healthy (Copper)
It helps iodine in keeping the thyroid healthy by providing copper, a mineral linked in thyroid metabolism, especially in hormone production and absorption.

6. Helps prevent acne (Zinc)
It is a good source of zinc, a mineral which has shown to influence hormones which controls the production of oil in the skin.

7. Helps prevent bone loss (Vitamin K)
Tell grandma to eat chayote for a natural supply of vitamin K. Studies revealed a connection between vitamin K and osteoporosis.

8. Helps reduce blood pressure (Potassium)
Chayote can add to your DV of potassium, the mineral which helps lower blood pressure levels.

9. Good for the brain (Vitamin B6)
It can provide vitamin B6. Study participants have shown that vitamin B6 helps improve memory performance in some age groups.

10. Helps prevent leg cramps (Magnesium)
Chayote also contains magnesium, an electrolyte and a mineral which helps prevent muscle cramps

Monday, October 22, 2012

BRAIN Damaging habits...Take Note


10 little habits that destruct your brain

It’s good if you re-examine the little habits that you think is simple but have negative impact on your brain, those habits are:

1. Do Not Want Breakfast
Many people underestimate the breakfast. And do not consume anything in the morning and caused the decline in blood sugar levels. This resulted in a lack of input of nutrients to the brain which finally ended in the decline of the brain. The best breakfast in the morning is not a heavy foods such as special burger, but a glass of water and a glass of fresh fruit juice is enough. Compact and useful for the body!

2. Most Eat
Too much to eat harden the blood vessel of the brain that usually leads to the decline of mental powers. So eat a normal portion. Familiarize yourself with how to help stop eating before you’re stuffed.

3. Smoking
The cigarette has a lot of bad effects, everyone would already know. And there’s one more bad effects of cigarettes that were uncovered here. Smoking was very frightening effect on the brain! Imagine, the human brain can gradually shrink and eventually loses its functions as diligent suck it the smoke. No doubt the old time when even young ones like us are prone to Alzheimer (Alzheimer is a dementia disease).

4. Consuming Too Much Sugar
Too much sugar intake will prevent the absorption of protein and nutrients that makes the body get malnutrition and disrupted brain development. Therefore, reduce the consumption of your favorite sweets.

5. Air PollutionThe brain is part of the body absorbs the most air. Too long in the environment by polluting the air makes the brain works inefficiently.

6. Sleep Deprivation
Sleep gives the brain a chance to rest. Often neglect to sleep makes the brain cells to die from exhaustion. But do not get too much sleep because it can make you become lazy and slow. Should sleep 6-8 hours a day for healthy and fit.

7. Covering one’s head during sleep
Sleeping with the head covered is a bad habit that is very dangerous because the carbon dioxide produced during sleep makes the brain concentrated with pollutant. Do not be surprised if over time the brain becomes damaged.

8. Thinking Too Hard When sick
Working hard or studying when the body condition is not fit also makes the ineffectiveness of the brain. Already know You are not healthy, you should rest and not overload your brain.

9. Lack of Brain Stimulation

Thinking is the best way to train the brain works. Less thought would make the brain shrink and ultimately does not work optimally. Diligent reading, listening to music and playing (chess, Scrabble, etc.) will make your brain used to think actively and creatively.

10. Rarely Talk

Intellectual conversations usually take a good effect on the brain. So do not be too proud to be quiet. Quality Chat is very good for your health.

(Seen on Facebook, Interesting Facts)

Friday, October 19, 2012

Aloe Vera

How to freeze Aloe Vera Gel
(Photo credits to its owner)

Everybody knows ALOE VERA is great for cuts and sunburns, even bug bites. It's been called the "First Aid" plant. Aloe vera's soothing gel inside the thick, succulent leaves is an incredible natural skin care "product." But what about the rest of the body: are there benefits for your insides too? Actually there are some very powerfu
l benefits from the aloe vera plant. No one plant offers all the health benefits of the aloe vera plant.

Benefits Of ALOE VERA

• Aloe vera is an antioxidant and cancer fighter, especially colon cancer

• Reduces and stops inflammation, both internally and externally

• Oxygenates blood and energizes cells, hydrates skin and repairs skin tissue

• Aloe vera heals internal digestive problems such as irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, acid reflux - cleanses the intestinal tract

• Reduces risk factor for strokes and heart attacks by making "sticky" blood "unsticky," and boosts the oxidation of your blood, plus circulation

• Alkalizes the body, helping to balance overly acidic dietary habits

• Boosts cardiovascular performance and physical endurance

• Stabilizes blood pressure and reduces triglycerides

The Harvesting Process
When ready to harvest the gel from an aloe leaf, choose an outer leaf that is healthy and grows toward the bottom of the plant. To remove the leaf, cut it at an angle close to the plant's base. Plants that are too immature to harvest will not have leaves growing close to the ground.

Once you cut the leaf from the plant, place it upright in a container in a slightly tilted position. Let the leaf stay in that position for approximately 10 to 12 minutes, allowing the sap to drain from the leaf.

Place the aloe leaf on a flat surface such as a cutting board. Carefully cut off the tip of the leaf and the pointed rough edges on both sides using a very sharp knife. Make certain to cut both sides of the leaf all the way from top to bottom.
Separate the front and back of the leaf by slicing it lengthwise
from the inside.

Scoop out both the slimy mucilage gel and the clear inner gel which appears more as a solid gel. For most leaves, a spoon works for scooping out the gel. If the leaf is very large, a butter knife may work best. When removing the gel, it is important to press down lightly but firmly, being careful not to remove any remaining sap.

Storing the Aloe Vera Gel
Store the aloe gel in the refrigerator in a plastic container that is safe for food storage or a glass container. The best container choice is a dark green or brown glass jar, which helps to keep out light. Many people add a drop of vitamin E and a small amount of citric acid powder to prevent discoloration and make the aloe vera gel last longer. In place of citric acid powder, simply crush a vitamin C tablet into powder or use a drop of grapefruit seed extract


Top Ten Health Benefits of Pomegranate/ Pomegranate Juice

1. Antioxidants – These help to wrangle the hoards of free radicals in your system. Free radicals have an uneven number of electrons and like to balance themselves out by stealing from other molecules and cells in your body. These cells are oftentimes very important ones dealing with your DNA, and when they are destroyed, disease steps
 in. Pomegranate juice is an excellent source of antioxidants that work to help you stay disease-free.

2. Thinning of Blood – Pomegranate juice helps your blood circulation, making it easier for blood to travel to your heart, brain, and the rest of your body.

3. Cancer Fighter – Pomegranate has been known to reduce and prohibit the growth of cancer cells and tumors in your body.

4. Digestion Aide – Pomegranate juice is a natural remedy for diarrhea, dysentery, and great number of other digestive problems.

5. Anemia Relief – With a high content of iron, pomegranate juice is a great home cure for anemia because it promotes higher levels of hemoglobin.

6. Anti-Inflammatory – Pomegranate juice has properties that help treat sufferers of arthritis. It can also help cure a cough or sore throat.

7. Neonatal Care – It has been proven that pomegranate juice ingested by pregnant women can help protect the neonatal brain.

8. Artery Protection – It helps keep plaque from building up in your arteries.

9. Cartilage Protection – It works to prevent the deterioration of cartilage in your body.

10. Cholesterol Reducer – Pomegranate juice is capable of lowering blood pressure by as much as 6% in daily drinkers.

(Seen on facebook, Interesting Facts)

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Naturally improves Air Quality

6 House Plants That Improve Air Quality According to NASA~

1. Bamboo Palm: According to NASA, it removes formaldahyde and is also said to act as a natural humidifier.

2. Snake Plant: Found by NASA to absorb nitrogen oxides and formaldahyde.

3. Areca Palm: One of the best air purifying plants for general air cleanliness.

4. Spider Plant: Great indoor plant for removing carbon monoxide and other toxins or impurities. Spider plants are one of three plants NASA deems best at removing formaldahyde from the air.

5. Peace Lily: Peace lilies could be called the “clean-all.” They’re often placed in bathrooms or laundry rooms because they’re known for removing mold spores. Also known to remove formaldahyde and trichloroethyle ne.

6. Gerbera Daisy: Not only do these gorgeous flowers remove benzene from the air, they’re known to improve sleep by absorbing carbon dioxide and giving off more oxygen over night.

(Seen on Facebook, interesting facts)

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Reasons to Eat Vegetable and Fruits

(Images credits to its owner)

 It is advisable to eat 3 portion of vegetables and 2 portion of fruits EVERY DAY (not every meal - you can breathe easy now). Actually, when we talk about every day, it equates to 1 portion of vegetable per meal which is not too difficult right? 
As long as you eat vegetables in every meal, you have achieved your target.

For me, no matter how much I like say Tomato, I can't eat it straight for 3 consecutive days. I will usually alternate between Carrot, Tomato or some greens. And for my habit, I usually don't take much vegetable during breakfast, then I will take 2 portion during either lunch or dinner and take the remaining other portion in the other meal.

Try it. It's not that hard (cos I used to think it is)

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Health Benefits of LEMON
  • Good for stomach
  • Excellent for Skin Care
  • Aids in Digestion
  • Aids in Dental Careloo
  • Cures Throat Infections
  • Good for Weight Loss
  • Controls High Blood Pressure
  • Assist in curing Respiratory Disorders
  • Good for treating Rheumatism
  • Reduces Fever
  • Acts as a blood purifier
  • Hair Care Treatment
  • Stop Internal Bleeding
(Seen on Facebook - Interesting Facts)


It helps in:
  • Asthma
  • Heart diseases
  • Migraine
  • Constipation
  • Fatique
  • Indigestion
  • Kidney Disorder
  • Breast Cancer
  • Alzheimer's disease
  • Mascular degeneration
  • Cataract Prevention 
  • Blood Cholesterol
  • Anti-Bacterial Activity
  • Anti-cancer properties
  • Anti-Aging
  • Arthritis 
(Seen in Facebook, Interesting Facts)

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Which's where?

Jul 2008 

  • Removing Gallstone Naturally 
  • Drinking cold/hot water & Heart Attack 
  • Usefulness of Honey & Cinnamon mixture  (Covers: Arthritis, Bad breath, Bladder Infections, Cholestrol, Colds, Fatique, Hair Loss, Loss of Hearing, Heart Disease, Indigestion, Influenza, Infertility, Immune System, Longevity, Pimples, Skin Infection, Stomach Upset / Gas, Toothache, Weight Loss)
  • Diet Soda Aspartame Harmful (Muscle / Stomach Spasms)
  • Dengue Fever Remedy
Nov 2008
  • Beware: Sugarcane juice (Bateria, Food poisoning)
  • Cancer Cure - Body Alkaline Condition + Food to take 
March 2009
  • Mosquito Trap (Dengue Prevention)
May 2009 
  • Car Air-con System (Harmful when car left under sun for a long time)
  • Herbal Treatment (High Cholesterol) 
  • Chicken Wing Harmful (Affects Ovary)
Jan 2012
  • Beneficial properties of fruits
Sep 2012
  • Cancer Cure (Soupsop fruit)
  • Coconut water (dehydration, immune systems, etc)
Oct 2012
  • Benefits of Mango (Cancer protection, Digestion, Memory, Vision, etc)
  • Benefits of Bananas (Eyes, Cardiovascular, Stomach, Bone, Intestinal, Kidney
  • Benefits of Ginger (Ovarian / colon Cancer, Morning Sickness, Motion Sickness, reduce pain/inflammation, Heartburn Relief, Migraine, Menstrual Cramp, Cold/flu)
  • How to open a coconut (video)
  • Natural Source of Vitamin (Food Source)

To view, just click each post, just click on the blog archive on the top right and you will be directed to the post directly.


Vitamin A source:
                Milk, butter, cheese, eggs, chicken, fish oils.

Vitamin B complex
                Our body requires B1,B2, Nicotinic acid in small quantities. So we should    
                concentrate on B6, B12 & folic acid.   

                B12 sources:
                Mostly non vegetarian foods like egg, chicken, meat, fish.
                Milk is the only vegetarian food which contains B12.
                The British Vegan Society recommends foods fortified with vitamin B12, such as:
                breakfast cereals, yeast extract, margarine, soya powder and milk, Plamil, soya        
                mince or chunks.

                B6 sources:
                These are similar to B12 ones & is present in vegetarian diet such as  
                vegetables, brown rice,dates,apricots,pulses.

                Folic acid sources:
                Liver contains the best amount of folic acid. White rice, oranges,tomato,pasta also 
                contains good amount of Folic acid.

Vitamin C sources:
                Citrus fruits like lemon, orange, guava, red sweet pepper, kiwi, strawberries & 
                Brussels sprout

Vitamin D sources:
                Primary choice:Egg yolks, seafood oil, beef liver, and wild-caught oily seafood.
                Milk is one of the best source for Vitamin D.
                Sun rays are said to produce vitamin D but info from recent research is due to  
                pollution & temperature, the vitamin produced is not sufficient for the body.

 Vitamin E sources:

                Fortified cereals, almonds, vegetable oils, tomatoes, peanut butter, avocado
Vitamin K sources:
                Spinach, cabbage, cauliflower, wheat bran, organ meats, cereals, eggs.
(Source: http://gkenhancer.blogspot.sg/2012/09/best-natural-sources-for-vitamins.html)

Thursday, October 11, 2012

How to open a Coconut?

If you are unable to view, you can click on the below link to watch on youtube directly http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P2vZS5cvI4M&feature=youtu.be

Now that we know that coconut water is beneficial to the body, I reckon the only little that is going to stop us from consuming it often is that it is not easy to open. And I know that many people struggle to to even open a small hole so that they can poke a straw into the coconut to drink the coconut water. 

Hence, I made a video with simple instructions on how to open a coconut in less than 5 minutes. You don't really need strength, just the correct technique should do the job fine.

So watch the video and enjoy your Natural Coconut drink! 

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


(Image credits to its owner)



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The migration of content is still on-going (will do as soon as I have some free time on hand). Once the migration is done i.e. all the contents in the blog are moved over to Facebook, the new content will appear on both medias.

The blog will still have the full version (all photos, translation, original email, etc) while what I will put on Facebook will sometimes be a condensed / summaried version for easy reading. On every Facebook post, there will always be a Blog URL (Link back to blog post) where you can view the original text as well as all the photos.

Check out our facebook page now!

Sunday, October 7, 2012


(Image credits belongs to its owner)

Bananas contain three kind of natural sugars - sucrose, fructose and glucose combined with fibre. A banana gives an instant, sustained and substantial boost of energy.

Research has proven that just two bananas provide enough energy for a strenuous 90-minute workout. No wonder the banana is the number one fruit with the world's leading athletes.

But energy isn't the only way a banana can help us keep fit. It can also help overcome or prevent a substantial number of illnesses and conditions, making it a must to add to our daily diet.

According to a recent survey undertaken by MIND amongst people suffering from depression, many felt much better after eating a banana. This is because banana contain tryptophan, a type of protein that the body converts into serotonin, known to make you relax, improve your mood and generally make you feel happier.

Forget the pills - eat a banana. The vitamin B6 it contains regulates blood glucose levels, which can affect your mood.

High in iron, bananas can stimulate the production of hemoglobin in the blood and so it helps in cases of anemia.

The unique tropical fruit is extremely high in potassium yet low in salt, making it perfect to beat blood pressure. So much so, the US Food and Drug Administration has just allowed the banana industry to make offical claims for the fruit's ability to reduce the risk of blood pressure and stroke.

200 students at a Twickenham (Middlesex) school (England) were helped through their exams this year by eating bananas at breakfast, break and lunch in bid to boost their brain power. Research has shown that the potassium-packed fruit can assist learning by making pupils more alert.

High in fibre, including bananas in the diet can help restore normal bowel action, helping to overcome the problem without resorting to laxatives.

One of the quickest way of curing a hangover is to make a banana milkshake, sweetened with honey. The banana calms the stomach and, with the help with honey, build up the depleted blood sugar levels, while the milk soothes and re-hydrates your system.

Banana have a natural antacid effect in the body, so if you suffer from heartburn, try eating a banana for soothing relief.

Snacking on bananas between meals helps to keep blood sugar levels up and avoid morning sickness.

Before reaching for the insect bite cream, try rubbing the affected area with the inside of a banana skin. Many people find it amazingly successful at reducing swelling and irritation.

Bananas are high in B vitamins that help calm the nervous system.

Overweight and at work? Studies at the Institute of Psychology in Austria found pressure at work leads to gorging on comfort food like chocolate and chips. Looking at 5,000 hospital patients, researchers found the most obese were more likely to be in high-pressure jobs. The report concluded that, to avoid panic-induced food carvings, we need to control our blood sugar levels by snacking on high carbohydrate foods every two hours to keep level steady.

The banana is used as the dietary food against intestinal disorders because of its soft texture and smoothness. It is the only raw fruit that can be eaten without distress in over-chronicler cases. It also neutralises over-acidity and reduce irritation by coating the lining of the stomach.

Many other cultures see bananas as a 'cooling' fruit that can lower both the physcial and emotional temperature of expectant mothers. In Thailand, for example, pregnant woman eat bananas to ensure their baby is born with a cool temperature.

So a banana really is a natural remedy for many illnesses. When you compare it to an apple, it has 4X the protein, TWICE the carbohydrate, 3X the phosphorus, 5X the Vitamin A and Iron and TWICE the other Vitamins and minerals...It is also rich in potassium and is one of the best value foods around. So maybe its time to change that well-known phrase so we can say "A BANANA a day keeps the doctor away!"

PS: Bananas must be the reason monkeys are so happy all the time!

I will add one here:
Want a quick shine on our shoes? Take the inside of the banana skin and rub directly on the shoes...polish with dry cloth. Amazing fruit!

Ripe Banana are better and more effective...

(Adapted from the internet and Facebook)

(Images credits belongs to their owner)

Friday, October 5, 2012


Click to enlarge

Here are the benefits: 
- Cancer Protection
- High in Copper (for enzymes, RBC production)
- Alkalizes whole body
- Improve Digestion
- Lower Cholesterol
- Improve Memory and Concentration
- Better Sex
- Improve Vision

(Credits below to the person who created this; thank you)