Monday, December 31, 2012

Brain Damaging Habits


1. No Breakfast
People who do not take breakfast are going to have a lower blood sugar level. This leads to an insufficient supply of nutrients to the brain causing brain degeneration.

2. Overeating
It causes hardening of the brain arteries, leading to a decrease in mental power.

3. Smoking
It causes multiple brain shrinkage and may lead to Alzheimer disease.

4. High Sugar Consumption
Too much sugar will interrupt the absorption of proteins and nutrients causing malnutrition and may interfere with brain development.

5. Air Pollution
The brain is the largest oxygen consumer in our body. Inhaling polluted air decreases the supply of oxygen to the brain, bringing about a decrease in brain efficiency.

6. Sleep Deprivation
Sleep allows our brain to rest. Long term deprivation from sleep will accelerate the death of brain cells.

7. Head covered while sleeping
Sleeping with the head covered, increases the concentration of carbon dioxide and decrease concentration of oxygen that may lead to brain damaging effects.

8. Working your brain during illness
Working hard or studying with sickness may lead to a decrease in effectiveness of the brain as well as damage the brain.

9. Lacking in stimulating thoughts
Thinking is the best way to train our brain, lacking in brain stimulation thoughts may cause brain shrinkage.

10. Talking Rarely
Intellectual conversations will promote the efficiency of the brain.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Parsley (Coriander Leaves) - Cleanse Kidney

Years pass by and our kidneys are filtering the blood by removing salt, poison and any unwanted entering our body. With time, the salt accumulates and this needs to undergo cleaning treatments and how are we going to overcome this?

It is very easy, first take a bunch of parsley or Cilantro ( Coriander Leaves ) and wash it clean

Then cut it in small pieces and put it in a pot and pour clean water and boil it for ten minutes and let it cool down and then filter it and pour in a clean bottle and keep it inside refrigerator to cool.

Drink one glass daily and you will notice all salt and other accumulated poison coming out of your kidney by urination also you will be able to notice the difference which you never felt before.

Parsley (Cilantro) is known as best cleaning treatment for kidneys and it is natural!

(Image credits to its owner)

Seen on Facebook, Interesting Facts 

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Number 1 Trick of never getting sick...

Everyone seems to have a custom "miracle cure" for the common cold, and it seems the more creative the solution, the less bashful they are about sharing. A recent poll of Facebook friends revealed the following methods, all of which the practitioners stand by (in their onion-filled socks, in some cases):

  •     Heaps of vitamin C
  •     Chicken soup, preferably homemade by Mom
  •     Natural foods, fresh colorful veggies, and supplements
  •     Chopping and eating a raw yellow onion (with a little salad dressing for taste) followed by a warm bath or a long shower to open the pores
  •     Oscillococcinum, which is a homeopathic alternative medicine
  •     Thieves Essential Oil
  •     Coating feet with Vicks Vapor Rub and wearing a pair of socks overnight
  •     Socks filled with peeled onion layers
  •     Cardio, a few sips of whiskey, and cold medicine
  •     Outdoor activity, hydration, and rest
  •     Sex

Is the mighty common cold so wimpy that it can be defeated by a rubber ducky, menthol, socks, and a few lit candles? The answer lies in an interesting piece of research by Dr. Bruce Barrett at the University of Wisconsin.

In Barrett's study, cold sufferers were split into four groups-one group was given no pills, a second and third group were each given Echinacea or a placebo but were not told which pill they received, and a fourth group was given Echinacea and was told it was Echinacea. Each participant was asked to rate the effectiveness of the medicinal herb Echinacea.

The results: The illnesses of people who believed in Echinacea and received pills were considerably shorter and less severe-regardless of whether or not the pills contained Echinacea.
What does that mean for you? "A positive outlook matters," Barrett says. If someone believes a cold remedy works, it just might. No one knows for sure why. Barrett says that the manner in which the brain stimulates healing mechanisms through positive expectations is not entirely understood. But this certainly helps explain why there is a seemingly endless list of pharmaceuticals, alternative treatments, and quirky homemade solutions for treating the common cold.

As a practicing family doctor, Barrett strongly encourages the use of non-pharmaceutical cold remedies. For the record, I swear by orange juice, bananas, and vitamin C, which in the wide range of solutions turns out to be quite tame.

"I was being interviewed on 'The People's Pharmacy' (radio program) and a guy called in who melts skunk fat and gives a teaspoon of it to his kids when they start getting a cold," Barrett says. "He swore it stopped all of the colds in their tracks. That's worse than onion in the socks."

Extracted from: 
Yahoo Lifestyle Entertainment (

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Health benefits of CARROTS

Ten Health Benefits of Carrots 

1) Carrot juice contains less calories and is very beneficial for weight loss.

2) The functioning and health of liver and digestive tract improves by the intake of carrot juice.

3) Carrot juice contains Vitamin E which helps in preventing cancer.

4) Aches and pains associated with aging lessen with the intake of carrot juice.

5) Vitamin A present in carrot juice improves eye-sight and helps in bone disorders, osteoporosis etc.

6) It contains potassium which helps against cholesterol.

7) Carrot juice is extremely beneficial for the liver as it reduces fat and bile in the liver.

8) The juice revitalizes and tones the skin.

9) Carrot juice is very rich in beta-carotene which is an antioxidant and it prevents cell degeneration. The aging process is also slowed down.

10) Carrots contain beta-carotene which is converted into Vitamin A by our body. This natural vitamin A is very good for our body.

(Seen on Facebook, interesting facts. Image and content from the same source)

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Health Benefits of Tea

Tea began its worldwide conquest in teahouses throughout China, Korea and Japan. In the 16th Century, tea stormed the shores of Western civilization, frequented the inner sanctum of Europe’s aristocracy and lit the fuse that ignited the American Revolution. Today, tea is second only to water which refuses to relinquish its title as the world’s most consumed beverage.
1.Global Tea Production
Tea is a mountainous crop grown in 36 countries. The predominant tea-producing regions are China, Japan, Russia, Ceylon, Formosa, India and East Africa.
There are thousands of distinct varieties of tea that fall into four principal categories. They areblack tea, green tea, white tea and oolong tea. Every variety of tea originates from one plant, the Camellia Sinensis. The soil, climate, altitude and manufacturing process imparts the unique characteristics and flavors of tea with the length of oxidization during processing giving rise to several different types of tea.
2.Nutritional Facts
Tea’s meager nutritional facts conceal it status as one of the top superfoods that has caught the eye of many researchers who are investigating the health benefits of tea. One 237 gram serving provides 2 calories and 0% of your daily requirements for minerals, vitamins, protein, carbohydrates, sodium, cholesterol and fat.
The caffeine level of tea is influenced by several factors, such as brewing time, temperature, grade and variety. It is estimated that tea releases large quantities of its caffeine within half a minute of brewing. If you wish to reduce your intake of caffeine, you can quickly pour out this brew and add fresh water.
3.How to Use Tea
The most popular way to enjoy tea is as a beverage. You can steep it in hot water as either a teabag or as loose leaf tea, use an instant powder or buy a prepared drink in a can or bottle. It is also available as wine, hard candy, jelly and a pastry.
4.Health Benefits of Teas
As Emperor Shennong surmised nearly 5,000 years ago, tea is a health tonic. The Camellia plant is a rich source of polyphenol and flavonoid antioxidants. These are naturally occurring substances that prevent and reverse the DNA and cellular membrane damage inflicted by free radicals.These molecules are linked to a wide range of diseases, such as cancers, heart disease, stroke, Alzheimer’s and premature aging. Tea has 800 to 1000% more polyphenols than vegetables and fruits.
One cup of white tea has the equivalent amount of antioxidants as 80 ounces of apple juice. The longer fermentation period of black tea reduces its level of antioxidants. Green tea has a higher level of antioxidants than black tea. Research indicates that brewing tea for 1 to 5 minutes is the best way to obtain its health benefits.
5.Heart Disease
The antioxidants in tea are believed to reduce the risk for heart disease and stroke by lowering cholesterol levels, oxidative stress and improving blood vessel dilation. Tea also significantly reduces atherosclerosis and triglycerides.
People who consistently drink three to four cups of black tea have lower rates of stroke and heart disease. A statistical analysis of multiple studies demonstrated that drinking three cups of tea a day decreased the risk of heart attack by 11%. A 5-year study of 805 men showed an inverse relationship between the dose of tea and the incidence of death from stroke and lethal and non-lethal first heart attack.
Tea reduces the incidence of cancer by fighting free radical damage, reducing abnormal cell growth and aiding normal cell death. Regular tea consumption is associated with a reduced risk for lung, ovarian, oral, skin and digestive cancer.
A study of smokers who consumed 4 cups of decaffeinated green tea a day had a 31% reduction in oxidative DNA damage when compared to a control group that drank 4 cups of water.
Drinking black tea dramatically lowers the risk of a form of skin cancer. A population-based study revealed an inverse relationship between tea consumption rectal, colon and pancreatic cancers.
A 1998 Stage I and II breast cancer study demonstrated that Japanese women who drank more than 5 cups of green tea per day were less likely to have disease recurrence and were disease-free longer.
7.Oral Health
The health benefits of tea extend to its role in oral health. The polyphenols in tea reduces plaque and the growth of bacteria that causes bad breath. They also inhibit the germs that cause strep infections and cavities. Tea collects fluoride in its leaves. Some believe that this is beneficial for building resilient tooth enamel. For people concerned with teeth staining, white tea is a better option than its black or green counterparts. It has more polyphenols and is less likely to stain teeth.
8.Liver and Kidney Health
People with hemochromatosis are unable to properly metabolize iron. This results in iron overload and damage to major organs. According to a German study, one daily cup of tea contains enough antioxidants to block iron absorption and prevent the lethal accumulation of iron.
Daily tea consumption reduces the risk for developing kidney stones. A study of 81,093 women lowered their risk by 8% for each 8 ounce cup of tea consumed each day. The results were replicated in an earlier study of 46,289 men who reduced their risk by 14% for each daily cup of tea.
9.Obesity and Fat Metabolism
Initial research indicates that tea increases the metabolism, breaks fat into smaller components for use by the body and reduces your appetite. Tea also increases the body’s ability to use insulin, glucose and produces more heat. The cumulative effect of these physiological changes is enhanced weight loss and increased exercise tolerance.
Tea appears to play a crucial role in bone health. A study of older female tea drinkers had higher bone mineral density (BMD) results than women who didn’t drink tea.
Drinking tea also helps younger adults. In a study of habitual tea drinkers, adults 30 years and older experienced a significant improvement in their BMD. The benefit was especially noticeable in people who drank tea for more than six years.
11.Caffeine Alert
People who are pregnant, breastfeeding or have anxiety disorders, stomach ulcers or kidney disorders should not consume caffeine. It can also interact with antibiotics, Echinacea and theophylline, a bronchial dilator.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Home Remedies to ease common cold

Everywhere you look, you’ll find someone sneezing, sniffling or stifling a sneeze. It’s like everyone has a cold that they’re just waiting to spread to you!

Home remedies for the common coldHome remedies for the common cold

The common cold

The common cold is one of the most widespread and prevalent viral infections out there. It can affect any human being irrespective of age, sex, heredity and geographical location. Although this infection is not considered very serious, it can be a reason for severe discomfort to the individual.
The immunity levels of the person play the most vital role in how frequently an individual contracts a cold. The trouble is that this infection is caused by so many viruses that it is not possible for our body’s immune system to develop immunity against each and every type of virus.
While there is no cure for the cold, there are some precautions and home remedies that can be very helpful in symptomatic relief.

Ease that cold – home remedies

Here are some simple home remedies that’ll help ease the symptoms of the common cold:
Lemon and honey - Lemon in warm water with one teaspoon of honey can be taken three times daily. Lemon increases the body’s resistance against the cold and its vitamin C content can be useful in washing out toxic components from the body and decreasing the duration of the disease.
Go for garlic - Garlic has antiseptic and antispasmodic properties. Boil 4 to 5 cloves of garlic in water and ingest the mixture three to four times daily. Garlic oil also helps in opening the respiratory passage. 3 to 4 drops of garlic oil mixed with 4 to 5 drops of onion can be very helpful in flushing all the toxic materials from the body, hence lowering the fever.
Ginger to the rescue - Ginger is an excellent remedy for the common cold. Boil it with water to make a decoction, which can be taken thrice daily, along with half a teaspoon of sugar. Add ginger to your tea for a soothing a delicious beverage.

Other tips to get over your cold

The best precaution you can take to avoid getting a cold is to eat a nutritious and healthy meal that enhances your immunity. It is better to avoid alcohol and cigarettes.
Use a towel or handkerchief while sneezing or coughing to check the spread of infection to others.
Avoid taking antibiotics, as they have no role in the treatment of these viral infections. They may weaken the body’s natural immunity and kill the healthy bacteria of the body, which will create a further favorable ground for the virus to multiply, with more virulence making the condition worse.
Drink lots of water and try to rest as much as possible. It is advised that when the acute symptoms of the disease are present, like soreness of throat, running nose, fever, chills, congestion of nasal passage etc., the food eaten should be light and diluted. After the acute symptoms are gone, go back to your normal well-balanced diet of seeds, nuts, cereals, grains vegetables and fruits. Avoid fish meat, cheese, and starchy foods.
Photograph by mcfarlandmo, via Creative Commons

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Boiled Coke with Lemon cures cold / flu

In Hong Kong, boiled coke and lemon is a common remedy for cold. Electrolyte drinks like 100 Plus is believed to ease diarrhea. Adding salt to your Sprite, 7Up or Ginger ale helps soothing sore throat. Drink soda to help you recover basic ails, does it sound like hogwash, and how does it work?
Mdm Pang Yet Lan who used to run a coffeeshop at Sim Place had a cold for weeks, then her Cantonese customer recommended boiled coke with lemon to her. “It worked wonderfully,” she says.
Boiled coke and lemon is a remedy that started in Hong Kong. There’s a story about a businessman who was trying to sell his coke during winter time, but people wanted hot drinks, so he boiled it with lemon and claimed that it will cure cold. That business trick became a ‘remedy’ that people in Hong Kong have been practicing for decades.
Many who tried soda drinks as remedy can’t really explain how it works. Mdm Pang believes that boiled coke with lemon or adding salt to Sprite helps detoxify. We consulted Dr Jeffrey Chua at local hospital to find out explanation behind these theories.
“Remedies like these are really a hit and a miss, it doesn’t work on everybody. Most of these remedies are passed on from generation to generation without really a scientific basis for it,” Dr Chua replies in an email.
According to Dr Chua, it’s a known fact that lemon contains vitamin C, which helps with cold. In his opinion, adding coke is just to make it tastes better and balances the tartness and acidity of lemon. Same explanation applies to the remedy of Sprite and salt that is said to soothe sore throat. Dr Chua explains that sore throat means there is inflammation and when there is inflammation, there is accumulation of fluids. “Salt is a natural dehydrator, it draws water out from our cells. Gargling (not drinking) salt water soothes sore throat. Soda like Sprite or 7 Up only add taste to the solution,” he adds.
As for diarrhea, he explains that “electrolyte drinks like 100 Plus and Gatorade taken after bowel movements helps the body replenish its loss fluids and electrolyte.” Again, he advised that this remedy is not a cure for diarrhea. In fact, he says that diarrhea has a lot of causes, as long as it’s not bacterial cause, the body will cure itself sooner or later.
So these remedies have been a theory for long, but it’s never been medically proven. Soda as remedy, is it a hit or a miss for you?